About The Church

Sunday School

Sunday school, also called church school, or Christian education, school for religious education, usually for children and young people and usually a part of a church or parish. … It has been the foremost vehicle for teaching the principles of the Christian religion and the Bible.



Church youth groups are a time-honored tradition for teens all around the world. They are an event where teens get together, usually once a week, to talk about almost anything. While almost all church youth groups are primarily focused on faith-based activities, those activities can vary widely from location to location.

Sometimes it’s difficult to come up with things for the kids to do. They get bored doing the same thing and, as anyone with teens knows, they can have fickle tastes.

Below is a comprehensive list of activities that any youth group of any size can do. Hopefully, the list will be helpful to group leaders, parents, and participants.



Church youth groups are a time-honored tradition for teens all around the world. They are an event where teens get together, usually once a week, to talk about almost anything. While almost all church youth groups are primarily focused on faith-based activities, those activities can vary widely from location to location.

Sometimes it’s difficult to come up with things for the kids to do. They get bored doing the same thing and, as anyone with teens knows, they can have fickle tastes.

Below is a comprehensive list of activities that any youth group of any size can do. Hopefully, the list will be helpful to group leaders, parents, and participants.


“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, your God reigns.” (Isaiah 52:7)

Welcome to the International Gospel Church website, a Gospel-based ministry, rooted in the Word of God, growing in Christ and being formed by the Holy Spirit!

In response to God’s saving grace, we are a witness to the world of God’s love and forgiveness. As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to embody God’s mission of healing, reconciliation and restoration in a broken world. In so doing, we welcome all people irrespective of religion, caste, class or status to come and experience the love of God.

Thank you again for visiting our website. Be assured that God has a plan and a purpose for you. God bless you richly as you follow His will.

Dr. Geomon George, PhD
International Gospel Church

International Gospel Church is the body of Christ (Colo.1 .18)with rich legacy of wealth of Heaven received at upper room on pentacostal day.

Our major target is to preech the pure Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ to all nation and equip people for Kingdom of Heaven. We are also aiming to keep up the vital relationship among the Church members with sincere love (Rom 12-9 )and promote young people to run through the track of word of God as the multiplicity of modern life pattern increasing tremondously with light of lust.

Our Lord’s revelation is ” God is Spirit and His worshippers must worship Him in Spirit and truth “. We are giving all priority to obey this great revelation in all our church activities.

We trust the mercy of God and the result of our labour is being brought to such a conclusion.I G C shall reap a good fruit on the soon arrival of Jesus Christ to transform our mortal body to immortal position.

Dr. Thomas Mammen
Vice President
International Gospel Church